most uncertain

美 [moʊst ʌnˈsɜːrtn]英 [məʊst ʌnˈsɜːtn]
  • adj.不确定的;难预料的;未决定的;无把握;犹豫;拿不准;多变的
  • uncertain的最高级
most uncertainmost uncertain
  1. Since the history of our human being developed , the sexual relationship has already become the most uncertain one at the complex social relationships among people .


  2. Secondary fine particulate matters ( SFPM ) is one of the most uncertain factors influencing on the radiative forcing and global climate changes .


  3. The most uncertain link in the new allied chain was russia .


  4. Pre-repayment is one of the most uncertain factors in the securitization of home mortgage .


  5. Aerosol is one of the most uncertain factors in climate change study , and more observation and research worldwide pay much attention to its climate effect .


  6. Scenario planning is a method for learning about the future by understanding the nature and impact of the most uncertain and important driving forces affecting our future .


  7. Come what may , most uncertain of what was going on I threw open my door to ascertain to the best of my ability what on Earth could the matter be ?


  8. Goodwill is the accounting summary of the most uncertain assets , as well as the most controversial issues in recognition , measurement , impairment and so on of assets .


  9. The Issue of global climate change is the most uncertain challenge human being will meet in the 21st century and the large scale , the wide extent , and the deep influence are unprecedented . Nowadays , coping with climate change has become the common consensus .


  10. In May British voters will go to the polls in what appears to be the most unpredictable and uncertain UK general election in recent times .


  11. While in the practical application , most systems have uncertain parameters and uncertain perturbation from the outside , and if we still use the traditional methods , it will make the identification abortive .


  12. After the worst economic downturn in 80 years , which continues to cause immense hardship , the prospects for the US economy are the most complex and uncertain in my adult lifetime , creating a difficult decision-making environment for policymakers and markets .


  13. There are many factors that affect the low flow in a karst basin , such as climate , catchment area , lithology , soil , landform and so on , most of which are uncertain .


  14. Everywhere life is full of freshness , just want to find the most beautiful violet , just want to do the most uncertain , and the enjoyment of the most brilliant .
